Monday, February 22, 2010

Oodles of Poodles (Meaning 'poems', of course)

Wow! For a blog that's supposed to be a personal journal, a clutter-free Facebook, there's not much to look at other than poems, is there?

I guess I can run a personal update. My schedule just got very hectic. Wanna see?

February 28th- New Beginnings
March 3rd- Sterling Scholar Finalist Competition
March 11th-13th- FFA State Convention
March 19th-20th- Laurel's Conference
March 30th (hopefully!)- Sterling Scholar State Competition
April 22nd-28th- Washington, DC for "We the People"

Right now, my life is filled with fundraising, projects, letters, and other stuff like that. It's pretty busy. When I get back from DC, I'll post all of my photos on here! I'm so excited!

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Twenty One/Ode~ "An Ode to the Refrigerator"

Faithful servant!
Willing friend!
That giving appliance,
Always willing to lend.
He feeds the hungry,
Nourishes the weak,
Makes the roaring stomachs
of children
A mere squeak.
Who else would keep
Our mustard ripe?
Hold our crayon masterpieces,
Calm our feral gripe?
An ode to the machine
That makes men merry and fat.
To that old refrigerator,
I tip my fancy hat.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Twenty One/Nonet~ "life"

prarie grasses wave lazily where
country homes dot the valley floor
tractors putt down lonely roads
birds dance with open skies
as the wind curls my
sun smattered locks
I sigh soft
this is

Saturday, February 20, 2010

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Twenty/Naani~ "Melt"

A hope
That once the morning dawns brightly
Icicles will shatter
And snowmen will d-ie.

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Nineteen/Monorhyme~ "Travel by Notes"

Earbuds in and the world goes away.
I run through forests. I rule the day.
I sit 'mongst trees whose branches sway
In the sweetened wind of May.
I soar through sunsets, colored clay,
I run through sand on salty bay.
Through forests bundled in a sleigh.
I swim through ocean foam and spray.
I am the lead in a Broadway play.
Dancing, twisting, bright sun ray.
Atop a horse that smells of hay.
Then I'm a wolf, alone, a stray;
A hawk, an eagle, and a jay.
I ride the back of a manta ray.
I sit alone at a french cafe,
Clutching close a red bouquet.
I watch the dying light of today
As the wind puts my hair in disarray.
I still need to write my 'We the People' essay,
But, until then, it's in musical I stay.

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Eighteen/Monody~ "Sweet Rose"

She met me at the window pane,
Her bright face stretched near mine.
The day when her pink smile did wane
She lost that youthful shine.

Her petals lost their - er,
And her spine begin to curl.
Her strength was hard to muster.
Her weakness did unfurl.

The vase I bought to be her stage,
Picked out just for she,
Clouded with the dust of age,
Her droop a silent plea.

Her pond of water once so clear
Filled with the film of - .
She lost her rosy petals dear
And fainted with last breath.

Her skin is brown and torn apart,
Sweet petals slimed and black.
That little flower of my heart
Victim to silent attack.

She met me at the window pane,
Her bright face stretched near mine.
Her youthful scent a flowery rain,
Her life and mine entwined.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Seventeen/Mirrored Refrain~ "My Sun"

Blue drapes are strung above me,
Speckled with happy white puffs.
Because the sun still shines today,
There's light inside my heart.

A drive considered long and lonely
Is my escape, my journey.
There's light inside my heart
Because the sun still shines today.

Faces pass me in the hallway
And I grin at them.
Because the sun still shines today,
There's light inside my heart.

My books slide onto the desktop
And I scoot in with a content sigh.
There's light inside my heart
Because the sun still shines today.

I walk from class refreshed and curious
Hoping for more days like this.
Because the sun still shines today,
There's light inside my heart.

Suddenly I see your face before me,
And I search for the smile I adore.
There's light inside my heart
Because the sun still shines today.

It's slow in coming, but it's there,
And I can but smile back.
Because my sun still shines today,
There's light inside my heart.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Sixteen/Minute Poem~ Trying

You told me not to bother you,
When I feel blue,
When things are bad,
Or when I’m mad.

I’ll deal with those myself, I guess,
Though I’m a mess;
To prove I can,
You understand?

I’ll be strong, defy gravity.
Believe in me,
If nothing more,
I do implore.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy First Gentleman Day!

Today is President's Day. As both an AP History and AP Gov. student, I've gained so much appreciation for the President and all he does for his country. I'm just taking time to note my favorite: Thomas Jefferson.

He was a fighter for liberty, independence, religious freedom, free speech, and other such grand ideals of America. That's why I like him.

In honor of President Jefferson today, I am going to conduct a service project. Maybe clean my house up for my mom. :)

Whose your fave? Do something for him.

Happy First Gentleman Day (since they call the Prez's wife First Lady ;D)!

100 Days of Poetry Challenge~ Day Fifteen/Limerick~ "Because My Dad Hates Robins"

A robin once flew out to Benson,
Sticks in his mouth like a great ensign.
Daddy opened the door.
Now that birdy's no more.
We ate robin for lunch and then some.